TOP 10 why is revolution for cats so expensive BEST and NEWEST So you might be wondering, why are Bengal cats so expensive? The best course of treatment for your dog depends on what exactly is wrong with them. Revolution for cats kills adult fleas, prevents flea eggs from hatching, and is useful in prevention and control of flea infestations. Revolution Plus contains the main ingredients selamectin and sarolaner. This is good, but indicates that fleas may still be seen at this time point due to the environmental infestation. Chewing lice are small insects that feed on the skin and hair of animals, causing irritation and discomfort. This is because the product is not effective against adult heartworm (Dirofilaria immitis), although it will help reduce the number of immature worms or microfilariae. I will continue with it for a couple of months through the summer and see how it goes! .medication-table{ Of those two, only roundworms are visible, resembling long spaghetti-like strands. It also prevents parasitic worms like heartworm, roundworm,and hookworm from infecting your dog. Hi You will need to see your veterinarian to obtain the product, but this is no bad thing regular check-ups are a good way of keeping on top of your pets overall health. Prescription Required? While no one enjoys dealing with parasites, the good news is that there are products available to help keep our furry friends safe from these pesky critters! .medication-table a{ Although Revolution products for dogs and cats contain the same active ingredients, the manufacturer does not advise using a dog product on a cat, even if they are similar in weight. If for some reason you are unsure if the product was administered correctly or whether all of it was applied, it is usually safest to not apply an additional dose. .cliverse-medication-title{ It contains the active ingredients selamectin and sarolaner. Topical solution: up to 5 pounds (mauve packaging, 15 mg/tube), 5.1 to 15 pounds (blue packaging, 45 mg/tube), 15.1 22 pounds (taupe packaging, 60 mg/tube) Advantage II is an upgraded formulation that works against multiple stages of the flea life cycle, whereas original Advantage was only effective against adult fleas. Selamectin is a member of the avermectin group of parasiticides and is effective against a wide range of parasites, including fleas, ear mites, roundworms, and hookworms. This effective medication is applied to the skin of your pet once a month. Using a dose range that is too low carries the risk of not being effective. Revolution Plus is the clear winner here! (I didn't even touch it, my vet gave it too her and I was careful not too touch that area where it was applied). While Revolution Plus for cats has been established as a safe product, the active ingredients may be found in other products in combination with other ingredients that are not safe for cats. Some parasites are easier to prevent than others, but all of them can be dangerous to your cat's health. If are still unsure about what product is best for your pet, or you want to explore other options, then speak to your veterinarian for advice. Is Revolution for cats sold over the counter? Avoid smoking, drinking while using the product. Sarolaner allows for Revolution Plus to have a better spectrum of activity against ticks. Love Revolution. Expensive, but totally worth it. Medication Type: Mid-range Himalayans are either adult cats or kittens with poor coat coloration or poor health. 2023 Cliverse Media Ltd. Cat and kittens 8 weeks of age and older and weighing at least 2.8 pounds. Revolution for Cats Prices, Coupons & Savings Tips - GoodRx border-bottom: 3px solid #fcb040; 6 Reasons Why Siamese Cats Are So Expensive - Cat and Friends Dr. Vanderhoof is also a copywriter specializing in the animal health field and founder of Paramount Animal Health Writing Solutions, which can be found at And the cheapest Himalayans are the adults with poor coloration and . Revolution For Cats..Is it worth the money? | TheCatSite Fleas, worms, and ticks not only irritate our pets but can also transmit disease. Furthermore, Bengals are a high-maintenance breed, requiring regular grooming and plenty of exercise. } The main difference is Revolution Plus contains the isoxazoline drug sarolaner in addtion to selamectin. In addition to preventing fleas, ear mites, hookworms, and roundworms, Revolution can also be used to treat these conditions if they are already present. This treatment is safe and easy to administer, requiring a veterinarians prescription. Measure your cat's weight to choose the suitable dosage. Why is cat dental work so expensive? How much does it cost to - Quora It comes as a liquid in small pipettes which needs to be applied to the skin on the back of the dogs neck/shoulder blades. The main difference between the two products is that Revolution Plus protects against six common harmful parasites while Revolution only protects against five. My other 3 cats have no issues with it at all. This means that it can help to break the flea life cycle and prevent an infestation from taking hold. Does my pet need to tested for heartworm before using this? Why Is My Cat Acting Weird After Flea Treatment? For more information about the original Revolution product and more insight on how it compares to Revolution Plus, see Revolution for Cats. If you still feel theres a true product IssueIf you feel you have applied a product properly and are addressing a flea infestation according to your vets instructions and still feel that a product is not working well, make sure to bring those concerns to your vet or contact the manufacturer of the product. For example if a breeder can show a cats lineage includes parents that have been successful in shows then you can expect to pay more. Revolution appears to be the best product in terms of providing more cover against a variety of parasites. Site Help | We treated it as asthma *steroids*, but also did a heartworm test and they gave me Revolution in case the test was wrong *she said it's only 75% accurate* and I gave it to her for 2 months. Revolution Plus was over 99% effective at eliminating this parasite. .table-footer{ How to choose the right food for your cat, 10 Year Old Cat with Urinary Issues - Vet Says Nothing is Wrong, Cat pacing around meowing with blood anus & clear discharge, IBD and possible lymphoma, my cat is crashing, Sudden health issues (fluid in lungs, enlarged heart). margin: 0; When used properly, side effects of Revolution products for cats are uncommon. align-items: center; It is important to get your cat wormed on a regular basis to prevent a number of diseases that can be caused by parasites. Revolution Spot-On for cats is a multi-spectrum treatment that protects against fleas, heartworms, ear mites, and intestinal worms including roundworms and hookworms. Note: We will not display your email address on the website. There are only a few thousand Bengal cats in the world. It is effective at killing fleas and preventing further flea infestations, it kills and prevents three different kinds of ticks, prevents mosquito-borne heartworm disease, treats and controls the intestinal parasites hookworms and roundworms, and treats and controls ear mites. Available Dosages: If youre seeing worms resembling pieces of rice, using another dose of Revolution Plus will not help. You should consult the advice of a veterinarian before using it in animals that are elderly, unwell, pregnant, or lactating. Be the first to get our latest updates, insider videos, cat health resources, and more. If the Revolution Plus was related, you would expect the seizures to stop once the product is discontinued and out of a kittys system for 30 days. Interestingly I was affected to just by the fumes on her! Revolution Plus is also restricted to cats weighing at least 2.8 pounds. All three ticks are extremely common in the United States. This will ensure that the treatment will be more effective. Supply and demand, I guess. Fleas are probably the most common parasites that veterinarians see, and are also the one that often troubles owners the most too. Dr. Vanderhoof is also a copywriter specializing in the animal health field and founder of Paramount Animal Health Writing Solutions, which can be found at www.animalhealthco on Revolution Plus For Cats: Overview, Dosage & Side Effects, For more information about the original Revolution product and more insight on how it compares to Revolution Plus, see, Treats and controls two intestinal parasites (roundworms and hookworms), Treats and controls ear mite infestations, Prevents infection with mosquito-borne heartworms, While Revolution Plus for cats has been established as a safe product, the active ingredients may be found in other products in combination with other ingredients that are not safe for cats. I cannot buy single tubes for his weight. Yes, if your cat is 10lb, you can use two of the 2.8-5.5 lb doses of Revolution Plus. It is possible Revolution Plus could be related, but not certain. The 5.6-11 lb dose contains 30 mg of selamectin and 5.0 mg of sarolaner. Revolution Plus for Cats - WalmartPetRx My product says that 90% of cats respond well to it. We buy it online at because Canada does not require a script. There are also some effective flea and tick collars which they may be able to suggest too, so dont feel limited to using a spot-on. But I can tell you a little of what is involved in producing purebred cats. Revolution is a topical liquid that is applied to the skin on the back of the animals neck. This product also works to kill other blood-sucking parasites including heartworm, ear mites, whipworm, and intestinal worms. Why Are Maine Coon Cats So Expensive? Here Is The Real Reason Revolution is my favorite topical flea medication because it also treats mites and protects against heartworms. flex-direction: column; Revolution Plus is the newest incarnation of Revolution, a product that has been used for cats for many years and is generally a safe and effective product when used properly. Answer (1 of 5): "So expensive" is a relative term. Protects against both internal and external parasites, Safe to use in pregnant, and lactating cats. Revolution should not be used in puppies less than 6 weeks of age or in kittens less than 8 weeks of age. Title says it all! Revolution Plus has many actions against parasites in cats. The pupal cocoon stage of the flea life cycle can be resistant to these products, so usually its a matter of waiting until they all hatch out (which can take several weeks). The main reason for this is that some pets can be at a higher risk of reaction if the product is given or applied while the pet has an active heartworm infection. There can be many causes for seizures. Explained. Revolution Plus kills three common tick species (American dog tick, black-legged/deer tick, and Gulf Coast tick). 2 of my 4 cats were so sick i thought they were going to die. It contains two drugs. Manufacturers claim the product is waterproof but avoid the use of detergent-based shampoos which could reduce its effectiveness. It does this by mimicking an amino acid that is necessary for controlling chloride ion channels. Despite many tests and. So, if you still see fleas on your pet, its usually not because the product has failed, its because you are still getting immature fleas hatching out of your home. Contraindications when should you not use Revolution? As they hatch out, they should come into contact with your pet and their flea treatment and die. Increasing the temperature and humidity in your house can encourage faster hatching as well as the vibrations from hoovering. JavaScript is disabled. What is Revolution Topical for Cats? Persian cats are so expensive as they are in high demand for their luxurious coats, stubbed faces, and affectionate natures. Dr. Vanderhoof lives in the Northern Virginia area with his family, including 3 cats. Persians are pricey as pure breeds are rare and can only be obtained from trusted breeders. The following article hopes to help you make more suitable choices and get more useful . Why Is Revolution For Cats So Expensive | These parasites are also responsible for ear infections. How Much Is It To Deworm A Cat? The main reason for this is that some pets can be at a higher risk of a reaction for some products if the product is given or applied while the pet has an active heartworm infection. Make sure to touch base with your veterinarian to see if any other recommendations might be made based on being more familiar with your cats health history. If this was a recent application, it can help to use warm water and dish soap (like Dawn) to gently clean the area and remove any residue on the skin. text-align: center; To get a lethal dose of selamectin or sarolaner, the parasites dont have to bite a treated cat; simply coming in contact with the skin is enough. I already have 4 foster kittens so Im stocking up at this price. Selamectin works by enhancing release of a neurotransmitter called GABA. answer the question why is revolution for cats so expensive, which will help you get the most accurate answer. Revolution Plus is approved for use in cats and kittens 8 weeks of age and older. How long either product lasts kind of depends on where we are in the local flea cycle, during the winter I can go for at least 8 weeks between doses of the Revolution, but during the hight of the summer its more like 3 weeks. Revolution Plus is labeled for cats 8 weeks and older. Personally I would recommend using it at least during the warmer months as there is no safe treatment for cats who contract heartworm. The flea usually found on our pets is Ctenocephalides felis otherwise known as the cat flea. This medication works to prevent fleas and ticks as well as treat and control ear mites and sarcoptic mange. international journal of business research impact factor. All flea/tick preventatives should be thought of as medication and their dosage ranges need to be followed closely. If your dog requires treatment and control of heartworm, sarcoptic mange or ear mites, Revolution might be the best choice. As a heartworm preventative, Revolution Plus was found to be 100% effective in preventing the development of heartworms in cats when those cats were exposed to larvae about 30 days prior. Their weight varies. This treatment also controls Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD) in dogs and cats. While Revolution has slower kill times for fleas and ticks compared to other topical products like Frontline Plus and Advantage II, the ingredients in Revolution Plus make it one of the best all-around products for cats, with the best broad spectrum of coverage targeting fleas, ticks, heartworm, and intestinal parasites. I've applied two doses when my first kitten was bought home and he is still very rambunctious as ever. Can he have another dose before 30 days? In terms of actual drug doses, each of the 2.8-5.5 lb doses is 15mg of selamectin and 2.5 mg sarolaner. Because it is a heartworm preventative, you must obtain a prescription from your veterinarian before purchasing Revolution Plus. Not only does selamectin kill adult fleas, it also prevents flea eggs from hatching. Though I guess maybe I was lucky i live on tx gulf coast & fleas are a devouring plague in warm weather! I can't judge people who choose to use it, especially those in humid areas where fleas are rampant, but Ive decided I won't take the chance. This will help you find a safe and effective product for your pet. Dec 11, 2020 / Some benefits of using Bravecto may include that it is easy to apply, water resistant, and provides long lasting protection. Revolution for Cats Used for Pet Meds MORE expand_more savings GoodRx lowest price $76.80 medication Availability Brand only First, match your prescription 15.1-22 Revolution for Cats lbs (3 packages (3 doses)) edit Next, pick a pharmacy to get a coupon location_on moses lake, WA Popularity arrow_drop_down He completed a rotating internship with Red Bank Veterinary Hospital in New Jersey and now works as a general practitioner in the Washington D.C. area. It does not affect mammals, so it is safe for our pets. Revolution Plus is a spot-on treatment for cats that prevents flea infestations, ticks, intestinal parasites, and heartworms. Revolution Plus contains the main ingredients selamectin and sarolaner. Sarcoptic mites are tiny parasitic mites that burrow into the skin of their host, causing intense itching and irritation. It is also worth noting that there is a product calledRevolution pluswhich is a product for cats that has an extra ingredient to help control intestinal roundworm and hookworm as well. The gender of the Savannah cat will also determine its cost. Then boyfriend says while he was on the airline home he felt like he was being eaten alive and later I found a flea in my house. We recommend you consult a veterinarian before starting with the Revolution treatment. Revolution plus for cats is a great way to prevent these pests from infecting your pet. However, Persian cats are well-loved, and most purebreds tend to command a higher price. Why does Revolution for cats require a prescription? display: flex; The manufacturer states that in lab studies, Revolution Plus started to kill the black-legged/deer tick within 24 hours with a little over 90% effectiveness for one month. The medication comes in small pipettes which are formulated for the dogs weight. } There are several different medications that can be used to treat ear mites. Frontline Plus and Revolution are two such products. Why Are Maine Coon Cats So Expensive? - The VCA hospital veterinarian gives us their own version I'm not sure if it costs less. background: #fcb040; It works by killing the parasites or preventing them from reproducing. The first reason is that Bengal cats are very rare. Beyond that, it also treats and controls roundworm infections, hookworm infections and ear mite infestations. Providing milk or liquid from a can of tuna can help resolve the signs in short order. .medication-table .table-row .item-title{
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