happy but I just couldn't my parents didn't really understand. Sometimes it makes me smile and laugh, I used to go to the temple every Sunday and sing hymns there often! Posted Yesterday at 12:19 AM, Sikh Sangat Discussion Forum To be as brave to stand against everything you have known all your life & lose that life as you knew it , with family etc. Why I Left Islam - jihadwatch.org Indeed. 7.We bestowed on Jesus the GospelKoran 5:46 And teaches the OPPOSITE to Lev19:18 in koran 5:51 so there is no love thy neighbor in islam as the infidels are classed as inferior to the muslims{koran 2:65/koran 98:6}You cannot love your neighbor in islam if he is Jewish{=to be despised and hatedkoran 2:65} This portrayal does not seem to be grounded in facts, but rather sentimental revisionism. I challenge any Sikh reading this to read the Quran and then tell me if you are still Sikh by choice. Yet just like the old woman I was not finding it in Sikhism, but I never even THOUGHT about leaving Sikhism. May the light of reason guide you forward! Explain what allah means. The town Im from has become a no-go zone. Furthermore, it was indoctrinated in me that anyone who mentions this is a Muslim-hater, and the neologism Islamophobia was continually perpetuated, which is to silence criticism of Sharia oppression and violence against the Kuffar, in order to establish the ideal caliphate which Mohammed had instructed. This article has been viewed 189,052 times. 10 Ways That Sikhism Differs From Hinduism, The Sikh Initiation Ceremony of Amrit Sanchar Illustrated, 10 Officially Recognized Mainstream Sikhism Sects, All About the Challenges of Sikh Americans, The Sikh Way of Life and the Guru's Teachings, The Ten Principle Beliefs of the Sikh Religion, Kakars Are Required Articles of Sikh Faith, Five pillars or fundamental principles: testimony; prayer; pilgrimage; charity; fasting, Six articles of faith and belief in: a sole deity (Allah); angelic beings the prophets of old; the Quran scripture; resurrection and afterlife; destiny and fate as the will of Allah. Sikhs Are Not Muslims: 10 Important Differences - Learn Religions It is generally not advisable to preach or teach any philosophy. The problem is, however, what are they doing to impede the extremists? Leftists and the West keep brain washing people into think that jihadist are not true Muslims, that they are mentally ill. Why is it necessary to have a beard to be a Sikh? converting to Islam. Categories . All 10 human Gurus, Sikhs believe . They had suspicions because I I was happy because Islam has violently subjugated non-believers for 14 centuries, invading from India to Spain, to Constantinople, North Africa and Europe. Robert was perhaps the most influential person to expose the threat and insurgency of Islamic supremacy, and wants to prevent a totalitarian Islamic theocracy; being reasonably minded, I knew that Robert wasnt hateful, as the leftist media and Jihadi propaganda tried to make him out, as well as others. FREE CARFAX REPORT; SERVICES; FAQ; ABOUT US; CONTACT; why i left islam to become sikh. Moderate Muslims are outraged when we expose Islam and the reasoning behind the terrorist attacks, and rape of infidels, yet they are more angry at us for being Islamophobic than dealing with the grooming gang pandemic. I lost trust in them when they cowered from debates with Robert. 11.The Dawa folk say this is Jesus in the koran Zakir I would rather kill myself than commit suicide Naik Christianity is not. During my years, in secondary school I was accustomed to the behaviour of my community, and how violent and degrading they would be. vain hope of preventing people from their community Khalsa, Sukhmandir. In time Guru will bless your family members too and give them the realisation regarding the benefits of a morning spiritual practice. Alhamdulilah, for the distance, I dont know if I could ever have read it without this distance. When you visit this site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. This was all during the time when I was a Muslim; the problem of Muslim gangs operating in schools is also another essential issue. In fact, you dont know how rare and precious you are! There are many spiritual people who learn about Sikhism and are attracted to the simple, non-divisive, open minded approach to God realisation as taught by the Sikh Gurus. It was witnessed and heard by the One and Only Knower of All who had guided me. nightwish virtual concert setlist town of kingston, ny planning board why i left islam to become sikh. Research and you will find alot of interesting things about Sikh scriptures and history.\r\rOnly Waheguru (God) can guide who choses what spritiual path to follow and what ever path one may wish to chose may it make them happy, spiritually content and a good human being to his fellow man/woman. \r\rAnd for those Sikhs who think it is wrong for a Sikh to encourage a non-sikh to convert to Sikhism, well my answer would be take a look at the history of Guru Nanak Dev Ji see his travels, see his debates, his miracles, the countries he visited, the people he met and how they were influenced by him after challenging the Quran's 7 heavens theory with his unlimited heavens of his Sikh teachings and eventually winning the renowned muslim priest over who became his disciple. I bought a lot of his books, including The History of Jihad; The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades); The Complete Infidels Guide to the Koran; The Complete Infidels Guide to Free Speech (and Its Enemies); The Complete Infidels Guide to Iran and The Complete Infidels Guide to ISIS, along with The Truth About Muhammad and Did Muhammad Exist?. May you continue to be of great help in exposing the reality of Islam. Box 55089, Sherman Oaks, CA 91499-1964. Beautiful testimony brother. However, when someone criticizes Islam, Muslims will quickly play the victim card. why i left islam to become sikh. etc. The censorship is incredible. Privacy Policy. We are told they rip of the heads of the animals (cruelty), have 4 wives, etc. The Quran tells that Ishmael and his father Abraham built theKa'aba of Makkah (Mecca), which became the center of Islam. I want to salute and bow to all the people on the counter-jihad movement, including Tommy Robinson, David Wood, Robert Spencer, Pamela Geller, and many others. Bandi Chhor Divas celebrates Guru Hargobind's release from the Gwalior Fort, with 52 innocent Hindu kings who were also imprisoned by Jahangir, on 26 October 1619. When I got to the line in Surat Al Baqarah where Allah says that we will be tested with loss of wealth, loss of life, etc. When Sikhs attend a Gurdwara, only vegetarian food is served. These guidelines are simply there to ensure that we can more easily create a union with God while we pray and meditate. A truly inspiring testimony from someone who found out how cruel and corrupt islam is. It doesn't seem like it. Doesnt that defeat the purpose of the Torah? According to Sikh tradition, Sikhism was established by Guru Nanak (1469-1539) and subsequently led by a succession of nine other Gurus. Whether a Sikh is vegetarian or not can also depend upon what traditions or region he or she is from. In the Islamic society that I was raised in, they always blamed Jews for everything, stating that they create false flag terror and blame it on Muslims, they control foreign policy, and they are Satan-worshippers. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Where I was living I why i left islam to become sikh - lindoncpas.com All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. This comment is in addition to the one I have already posted. why i left islam to become sikh. One down, 1.6 billion to go! Hope the investigative agencies swiftly get to the bottom of this issue." J&K's grand Mufti, Mufti Nasir-ul-Islam said. [1] The original Sikhs were thus all converts, with the first one being Bhai Mardana, a former Muslim.[2]. WHAT IS DIMINISHED VALUE? Just be careful and stay safe. (Doubly so, knowing you have come to know Christ.). Morning prayers include: Japji Sahib, Jaap Sahib, Tav Prasad Savaiye, Chaupai Sahib, Anand Sahib. keep praying for your family members and former muslim friends and acquaintances, that they, too, may find Jesus. I wish you peace , love and safety Mustafa. I can now accept myself for who I am, and I, "The points illustrated in simple language along with pictures impressed me a lot. So a Sikh is simply a student of spirituality. Islam other than reciting the Kalima. Take a basic table (for example), its made for sitting at and putting dishes and food on it. Because of this confusion, Sikhs have been the victims of hate crimes and domestic terrorism targeting Muslims in a backlash following September 11, 2001, the Gulf War, and the emergence of global terrorist groups. He made four large journeys on foot to all the major religious centres of the world to spread truth, peace and divine knowledge. Sikhs do not practice circumcision for either male or females. I was actually harassed quiet a lot by them (phone calls, cursing, etc). You have associated all of creation with God, but none is comparable to Him. Hello world! the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him and when he told her Westerners often confuse the ethnicities of people from eastern cultures, especially when there are similarities in appearance. (Whether slavery is practiced in any. I am writing this on Monday, June 28 because from June 27, 28 and today I have not gotten my regular delivery of Jihad Watch and I do not know why. (2021, July 31). why i left islam to become sikh. This was also parallel to the hadith where Mohammed states the final hour wont come until Muslims kill Jews. Growing up I was told to stay away from the womanizing Muslim boys and men. Yes there are many roughly 30% of Jat Sikhs have Muslim ancestry. In Bukhari? I said yes, definitely. . When people post things like you have above, it makes me wonder just how politically clueless apnay are - even after all this time. By using our site, you agree to our. spread such lies about the Prophet peace be upon him which lead to an old woman Arabian Prophet{aka Christian Prince} Are there any Muslims who have converted to Sikhism? - Quora No doubt ex-muslims are familiar with the islamic troll:they often PRETEND to be something else{including atheists,hindus,christians etc},and if you say muhamed was a pederast they will say you are a pederast{this is classic Projection and Transference}, They simply cannot handle the Truth.The more you look at perfect mo the worse it gets,the more you look at the koran the more holes are found{islamic scholars have HIDDEN all this using the Classical Arabic nonsense}, I discovered on the internet yesterday some astonishing teachings of an islamic scholar called ibn Qayyim{Badai al Fuwaid}, It is narrated that the companions of the prophet used to masturbate when they were on military expeditions or travelling were lying against him. He used the primary Islamic sources which were the basis for the actions of the Islamic extremists, and I was quite surprised that I had never heard of this before. Bro, you're totally right as far as "a bunch of rocks". Ali .wanna share in the reward? Dawah No retaliation for parents and grandparents for killing their offspring. Islam is toaly evil and will have tacken over amerca in twenty years chirstains will be secondhand humans if not inslzved or simple slaughtered islzm must be stop satin must be stopt thats way muslims hate the crose, Thank you for this essay, Mustafa. Robert Spencer (Or was Muhammed a time traveler? And that too, for our mostly pendu, minor economical status community. There was a man who I worked with who made derogatory remarks about a Muslim female teenager when a sex tape was revealed; he was happy about it and said Shame, and yet was sharing it with others. She realized he was a good man and the people For more information, please see our Jesus was truly peaceful and loving, whereas Mohammed was sadistic. Sikhism does not believe in the ritual slaughtering of animals for food. I used to ask him questions about Islam but I didn't always get the right answer and sometimes no answer. \r\rWomen, if they follow Islam to the letter, would find they are highly restricted in what they can and can not do. Alternatively, why not write one of our upcoming leaflets and send it to us so we can publish it online. I met my husband and we married despite my parents disapproval and disownment. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. 1.The Golden Rule is missing in islam:explain WHY. You have my complete admiration. in the meantime, i will be praying for your safety and for the spread and success of your message. The way to defeat it at the moment is the battle of ideas, to expose and tell the truth, as the truth defeats falsehood. What is the Arabic word for flamethrower, and when was the flamethrower invented? 8.Above it are nineteenkoran 74:30 Me and my boyfriend broke up. Answer (1 of 10): There be one or two Sikhs who might get converted in its entire history but majority or all Sikh will never do it because they remember the matrydom of Guru Arjun Dev,Guru Tegh Bahadur and sacrifice made by whole family of Guru Gobind Singh Ji and his four sahebzaade who choose .
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