Fees not included in the price above: Disconnection Notice Fee: $10; Returned Payment Charge: $30; Disconnect Recovery Charge: $30; Late Payment Penalty: 5% of past due balances. You can act now by discussing payment options with AEP Ohio customer service by: Calling 1-888-710-4237 Messaging us on Facebook or Twitter Visiting AEPOhio.com/Assistance Service Disconnection Notifications Consumer line: 303-894-2070 (Denver) or 800-456-0858. AEP Ohio, a unit of American Electric Power, delivers electricity to over 1.5 million electric meters, serving homes, businesses and industries in central, southern and northwestern Ohio. Customers may negotiate a payment plan with the company for reconnection during the months of November through March if they are "income qualified" for certain public assistance programs and if they secure and present an official "Certificate of Need" from the state social services office. AEP is more than just an energy company. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. 30 day disconnect delay if physician, public health official or social service official certifies a medical emergency. Residential customer deposits are based on the average monthly bill for that location or one-twelfth of the annual estimated total billed amount. Customers may negotiate a payment plan with the company for reconnection during the months of November through March if they are "income qualified" for certain public assistance programs and if they secure and present an official "Certificate of Need" from the state social services office. Start, Stop or Transfer Your Service START, STOP, OR TRANSFER SERVICE Start service Before you start, make sure you're not a current customer. 21 day delay if physician, social services, public health or law enforcement officer certifies to medical or protective services (elderly, infants, disabled etc.) Customer is expected to enter into a payment plan. https://www.energyandpolicy.org/utilities-disconnect-coronavirus/, table of state seasonal termination protections only, https://psc.alabama.gov/file-a-complaint/, Alabama Public Service Commission General Rules, http://rca.alaska.gov/RCAWeb/ForConsumers/SubmitInformalComplaint.aspx, Alaska Administrative Code - Disconnection of Services, https://efiling.azcc.gov/online-services/utilities-complaint-external, Arizona Residential Utility Consumer Office, www.cpuc.ca.gov/about-cpuc/divisions/news-and-public-information-office/consumer-affairs-branch/frequently-asked-questions, www.dora.state.co.us/pls/real/CCTS_oWEB.complaint_form, www.dpuc.state.ct.us/CAIUI.NSF/RevWebIntake?OpenForm, https://depsc.delaware.gov/frequently-asked-questions/, https://depsc.delaware.gov/formal-complaint-process/, 3002 Regulations Governing Termination of Residential Electric or Natural Gas Service by Public Utilities for Non-Payment During Extreme Seasonal Temperatures Conditions, www.dcpsc.org/Consumers-Corner/Utility-Bills-Complaints-and-Service-Providers/Consumer-Bill-of-Rights.aspx, www.dcpsc.org/Consumers-Corner/Utility-Bills-Complaints-and-Service-Providers/Utility-Consumer-Complaints-Mediation-Inquiries.aspx, District of Columbia Municipal Regulations Grounds for Disconnection, www.psc.state.fl.us/ConsumerAssistance/ComplaintForm, http://crs.psc.state.ga.us/Consumer/Contact/utilityIndustry.aspx?type=Inquiry, State of Georgia Public Service Commission, State of Hawaii Public Service Commission, https://puc.idaho.gov/Form/ConsumerAssistance, History of Restrictions on Winter Disconnection, Idaho Residential Utility Disconnection Factsheet, Illinois Public Utility Act (220 ILCS 5 / 8-206), ity Consumer Counselor - Winter Disconnection Moratorium: Frequently Asked Questions, https://iub.iowa.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2018/09/2018.09.18_r_r_gas.pdf, https://iub.iowa.gov/sites/default/files/documents/2021/10/customer-rights-and-responsibilities-electric-9.29.21.pdf, owa Utilities Board - Utility Service Questions Brochure (2018), www.kcc.ks.gov/file-a-complaint/file-a-utility-complaint, Kansas Corporation Commission - Electric, Natural Gas and Water Billing Standards, https://psc.ky.gov/PSC_WebNet/Inquiry.aspx, www.maine.gov/mpuc/consumer-assistance/faq, www.maine.gov/mpuc/consumer-assistance/file-complaint, http://webapp.psc.state.md.us/Intranet/psc/faq_new.cfm, http://webapp.psc.state.md.us/Intranet/info/complaintfront_new.cfm, Maryland Office of People's Counsel Fact Sheet: Consumer Information About Gas and Electric Utility Service, www.michigan.gov/mpsc/consumer/natural-gas, www.michigan.gov/mpsc/consumer/electricity, www.michigan.gov/mpsc/consumer/complaints, Michigan Public Service Commission Fact Sheet, https://mn.gov/puc/consumers/shut-off-protection/, https://mn.gov/puc-stat/documents//pdf_files/011566.pdf, Rules and Regulations Governing Public Utility Service, https://psc.mo.gov/CMSInternetData/ConsumerInformation/The%20Cold%20Weather%20Rule.pdf, www.efis.psc.mo.gov/mpsc/complaintform.asp, https://psc.mt.gov/Consumers/Request-Assistance, Administrative Rules of Montana (ARM) 38.5.2505, https://psc.nebraska.gov/natural-gas/natural-gas-complaint-form, http://puc.nv.gov/FAQ/Termination_of_Service/, http://puc.nv.gov/FAQ/Resolving_Disputes/, State of Nevada Public Utilities Commission, New Hamphire Public Utilities Commission - Winter Disconnection Rules for Electric and Gas Customers, www.bpu.state.nj.us/bpu/assistance/rights/, www.bpu.state.nj.us/bpu/assistance/complaints/inquiry.html, New Jersey Administrative Code 14:3-3A.5, www.nmprc.state.nm.us/consumer-relations/faqs.html, www.nmprc.state.nm.us/consumer-relations/file-complaint.html, https://psc.nd.gov/docs/ysk/e-1-protection-from-electric-and-natural-gas-disconnections.pdf, Protection from Electric and Natural Gas Connections, www.puco.ohio.gov/be-informed/consumer-topics/electric-customers39-bill-of-rights/, www.puco.ohio.gov/puco/index.cfm/contact-us/contact-us-form/index.cfm?intype=question, www.occeweb.com/Complaints/pucomplaints2.html, According to the Responsible Utility Customer Protection Act, www.puc.state.pa.us/general/consumer_ed/pdf/Act201.pdf, www.puc.state.pa.us/general/onlineforms/pdf/official_complaint_form_final.pdf, www.puc.pa.gov/filing_resources/filing_complaints/informal_complaint_form.aspx, Responsible Utility Customer Protection Act, https://ripuc.ri.gov/consumer-information, https://ripuc.ri.gov/consumer-information/how-file-complaint, www.psc.sc.gov/consumer-info/file-complaint, 20:10:20:10. Traditionally, utilities send a metering service person to connect or disconnect the meter. What are some of the advantages of conservation easements. 32 F or below (daytime), 20 F or below (night), or heat index 101 F or higher. Temperature-based restrictions if unable to pay and has exhausted available assistance or is actively seeking assistance, or can pay, but only in installments. The General Assembly is continuing a ban on service disconnections for the most vulnerable Dominion Energy customers through March 1, 2022. Let us know how we can help. Customers eligible for the Winter Termination Protection Program are placed on a budget plan and cannot be disconnected as long as they make good faith payments. No disconnect for all residential customers when <20 F. LIHEAP-certified customers have complete protection from Nov. 1 through March 31 regardless of temperature; utility must offer payment plan after moratorium. Consumer line: 907-276-6222 (Anchorage); 800-390-2782. Appalachian Power reports that it is temporarily suspending all disconnections for non-payment as the COVID-19 continues to spread in our communities. No disconnect for all residential customers when <20 F. LIHEAP-certified customers have complete protection from Nov. 1 through March 31 regardless of temperature; utility must offer payment plan after moratorium. However, smaller water, gas, electric and wastewater providers can start cutting off services again after Aug. 30 when the state's current moratorium expires. "If a customer is eligible for the. Consumer groups call for PUCO investigation of AEP Ohio over disconnections. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of the AEP Terms and Conditions. Lists several financial assistance options, including: Deferred Payment Agreements, HEAP, Budget Billing, Discounts, Good Neighbor Fund, and Third Party Notification. Use this feature if you're an individual who is keeping service at your current residence, but you also want to start service at an additional address. Medical certification can be renewed once within 120 days. Generator Safety for Businesses American Electric Power understands the critical need for reliable electric service and is committed to the health and safety of our customers, communities and employees. Consumer line: 208-334-0300 or 800-432-0369. Ban for special circumstances such as extreme weather or life-threatening situation. Requires PUC approval. Must have a termination notice and have been refused utility service; appliied for HEAT and Red Cross energy assistance and make a good faith effort to pay utility bill on a consistent basis during moratorium. No termination of utility service between protection dates for customers at or below 250% of the Federal poverty level (150% of the Federal poverty level for customers of one specific municipal gas utility). Disconnect shall be postponed for 21 days due to the medical condition of an occupant. Postpones disconnection for 20 days if the customer presents a medical statement from a licensed physician which states that disconnection would be a serious and immediate threat to the health or safety of a person in the household. In addition, the customer must pay one-twelfth of any billings from the date application is made through March 15th. The Energy and Policy Institute (EPI) is collecting data based on published reports and verified statements from utilities about which utilities are suspending disconnections, and which public utility commissions or other governmental bodies are ordering suspensions. Disconnects will resume for residential customers in Virginia on January 11, 2022. Medical certification may be renewed three times in 12 months. Modify home service Modify business service Prohibits the disconnection of registered elderly and disabled customers who meet certain income guidelines who make a minimum payment. If a ratepayer defaults on the payment plan, the utility may disconnect service after providing the requisite notice. 30 day delay and 30 day extension possible in case of life threatening condition. Medical certification can be renewed once within 120 days. We know our customers are concerned about their families and. An investor-owned electric utility, electric cooperative, or public utility providing water service shall, upon request from a residential customer who has a Serious Medical Condition Certification Form filed with the utility, delay termination of service for a minimum of 30 calendar days beyond the expiration of the disconnect notice. The phone number of your REP is located on your electric bill. Utilities must offer payment plan suited to customer's financial situation. Customer is required to enter into a payment plan. Utility companies are advised not to disconnect residential electric or gas service during the day preceding and the day of a forecast of extreme temperature or, if the forecast precedes a holiday or a weekend day, on any day during the holiday or weekend. If a customer demonstrates a medical emergency from December through March, the utility shall not terminate service without offering a levelized plan. However, if you're moving to another AEP Ohio address, use our transfer service form. Consumer line: 800-874-0904 or 801-530-7622, 10 F or below or 32 F or below for elderly. Disconnect ban for those who are elderly, handicapped or seriously ill, households with a child under 2 years old, those who are receiving unemployment compensation, federal heating assistance or who qualify as a financial hardship (75% or less of state median income) or if arrears areless than $500 for primary source of heat or less than $200 if not primary heat source. Disconnection delayed for up to 63 days if detrimental to health or safety of household member. Cannot disconnect any day when the temperature at 8 a.m. is below 32 F or if freezing temperatures are forcast for the next 24 hours for customers receiving public assistance or if household member is age 62 or older or disabled. Utility company not required to negotiate a payment plan more than once due to significant change in financial circumstances. Consumer line: 317-232-2712 or 800-851-4268. Terminations are suspended for 55 days when people apply for federal energy assistance. To qualify, customers must notify their natural-gas supplier that they are eligible and provide written proof to the utility within two weeks. Utilities must honor a physician's certificate in prescribed form that a customer/permanent resident has a serious medical condition and stating that suspension of service would result in substantial risk of death or grave impairment. Consumer line: 225-342-4404 or 225-342-4999. New Hampshire - Approval from the state is needed to shut-off elderly customers 65 or older during November to April. If the elderly household is low-income and includes a minor, the protection against termination will apply. No disconnect for elderly or disabled when temperature is >95, or medical emergency. Ban when <35, to avoid disconnect when temperature is above 35 customers must make payment schedule, meet payments and apply for aid if eligible. Winter termination procedures: The previous day's highest temperature did not exceed 32 F, and the temperature is predicted to remain at or below that level for the next 24 hours Customers called to full-time active military service during a time of declared national or state emergency or war, may apply for shut-off protection for up to 90 days and may request extensions of this protection by reapplying. No disconnection if customer agrees to and adheres to payment plan. Customer is required to renegotiate a payment plan. If fraud, misuse or failure to make monthly payments occur, the utility can suspend the customers service until all bills are paid in full. Prohibited when heat advisory from the National Weather Service is in effect. 30 day disconnect delay if physician, public health official or social service official certifies that a household member's health would be adversely affected. Disconnection is prohibited for Percentage of Income Plan (PIP) customers as long as they remain current with their PIP payment. If fraud, misuse or failure to make monthly payments occur, the utility can suspend the customer's service until all bills are paid in full. Gas and electric service cannot be disconnected if forecast predicts a temperature of 32 or lower during the next 24 hours. You may also contact one of our Customer Care Representatives toll free at 1-866-258-3782 or by completing the contact form here. (1) If the utility company is denied access to disconnect service, the utility company may subsequently disconnect the utility service in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (I) of rule 4901:1-18-03 of the Administrative Code. Consumer line: 602-542-4251or 800-222-7000 (Phoenix area), November 1 - March 31 (temperature-based). Butte, MT 59701. 1 ago. If an excessive heat warning or a freeze warning has been issued by the National Weather Service for the county of the scheduled disconnect, such disconnects are suspended. Delay disconnection for 20 days if the action would adversely affect the health of a household member. Running on . Do not Sell or Share My Info, Year-end 2022 GAAP earnings of $4.51 per share; operating earnings of $5.09 per share, Company advances strategic initiatives including sales agreement for contracted renewables, new FERC 203 filing for Kentucky sale and continued strategic review of retail business, 2023 operating earnings (non-GAAP) guidance range reaffirmed at $5.19 to $5.39 per share with long-term growth rate of 6% to 7%. No disconnect if customer agrees and adheres to a payment plan. Is AEP energy a competitive energy provider? Prohibits utilities from disconnecting residential natural gas or electric service for nonpayment from December 1 to March 15 if the customer qualifies and applies for public assistance, whether or not the customer receives the benefit.
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