1).Compared with CK, straw addition treatments (S and SG) significantly (P < 0.01) increased the emission rate and cumulative emission of CO 2 and the cumulative CO 2 . When your vacation is over, and you have returned home. Cyber Awareness Flashcards by Jedi Master | Brainscape Sanitized information gathered from personnel records. Maintain visual or physical control of the device. A measure of how much useful work each unit of input energy provides. **Travel What security risk does a public Wi-Fi connection pose? Correct. Correct. be wary of suspicious e-mails that use your name and/or appear to come from inside your organization. Research the source to evaluate its credibility and reliability. Unusual interest in classified information. The website requires a credit card for registration. (Sensitive Information) What guidance is available from marking Sensitive Information information (SCI)? Store it in a shielded sleeve to avoid chip cloning. The popup asks if you want to run an application. Government-owned PEDs, if expressly authorized by your agency. *Insider Threat Which of the following is a reportable insider threat activity? You know that this project is classified. internet-quiz. Ask the individual to see an identification badge. What does Personally Identifiable Information (PII) include? **Insider Threat How many potential insider threat indicators does a person who is playful and charming, consistently wins performance awards, but is occasionally aggressive in trying to access sensitive information display? Even within a secure facility, dont assume open storage is permitted. UNCLASSIFIED is a designation to mark information that does not have potential to damage national security. After work hours, storing sensitive information in unlocked containers, desks, or cabinets if security is not present. Which type of information includes personal, payroll, medical, and operational information? You receive an inquiry from a reporter about government information not cleared for public release. Never allow sensitive data on non-Government-issued mobile devices. Correct. Should you always label your removable media? Based on the description that follows, how many potential insider threat indicator(s) are displayed? Maybe Directives issued by the Director of National Intelligence. Which of the following information is a security risk when posted publicly on your social networking profile? What should you consider when using a wireless keyboard with your home computer? Which of the following demonstrates proper protection of mobile devices? The proper security clearance and indoctrination into the SCI program. What should Sara do when publicly available Internet, such as hotel Wi-Fi? *Classified Data All https sites are legitimate. Which of the following is a clue to recognizing a phishing email? What information should you avoid posting on social networking sites? As long as the document is cleared for public release, you may share it outside of DoD. (Mobile Devices) Which of the following statements is true? What type of attack might this be? Correct. Who can be permitted access to classified data? Effects of different carbon substrates on PAHs fractions and microbial (Sensitive Information) Which of the following represents a good physical security practice? e. Why do Elodea and onion cells have more consistent shapes than human epithelial cells? When gases are sold they are usually compressed to high pressures. For programmatic questions regarding Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), including any challenges to CUI marked by EPA, pleasecontact EPA's CUI Program Office. Appropriate clearance; signed and approved non-disclosure agreement; and need-to-know. Store classified data appropriately in a GSA-approved vault/container. which of the following is true about unclassified data - Weegy **Physical Security What is a good practice for physical security? An official website of the United States government. Which of the following is NOT a correct way to protect CUI? **Insider Threat Which of the following should be reported as a potential security incident (in accordance with you Agencys insider threat policy)? *Spillage After reading an online story about a new security project being developed on the military installation where you work, your neighbor asks you to comment about the article. You can't have 1.9 children in a family (despite what the census might say ). *Spillage. ~A coworker brings a personal electronic device into a prohibited area. A trusted friend in your social network posts a link to vaccine information on a website unknown to you. Understanding Controls on Unclassified Government Information The date of full implementation of the CUI Program will be announced by the EPAs CUI Senior Agency Official (CUI SAO) and updated here on EPAs public web page. What type of social engineering targets particular individuals, groups of people, or organizations? How do you think antihistamines might work? Which of the following is a good practice to prevent spillage. DOD Cyber Awareness Challenge 2019 Flashcards | Quizlet Note any identifying information, such as the website's URL, and report the situation to your security POC. Decline So That You Maintain Physical Control of Your Government-Issued Laptop. Back To Business I.T. on LinkedIn: #mfa #2fa #multifactorauthentication Controlled unclassified information. What is an indication that malicious code is running on your system? This task is performed with the aim of finding similarities in data points and grouping similar data points together. 1.1.1 Spillage. *Sensitive Compartmented Information What must the dissemination of information regarding intelligence sources, methods, or activities follow? Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI) | National Archives Phishing can be an email with a hyperlink as bait. Which of the following is a good practice for telework? Only expressly authorized government-owned PEDs. "Unclassified" or a lack of security marking denotes non-sensitive information. They can be part of a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attack. Which scenario might indicate a reportable insider threat? CUI may be stored on any password-protected system. The email has an attachment whose name contains the word secret. Seeker - Vacancy - Detail Overview Do not access website links in e-mail messages. **Mobile Devices Which is a rule for removable media, other portable electronic devices (PEDs), and mobile computing devices to protect Government systems? Attempt to change the subject to something non-work related, but neither confirm nor deny the articles authenticity. f. Get an answer. **Website Use How should you respond to the theft of your identity? CUI may be stored only on authorized systems or approved devices. *Spillage Which of the following is a good practice to prevent spillage? What action should you take? Classified information is defined in PL 96-456, the Classified Information Procedures Act: (social networking) When may you be subjected to criminal, disciplinary, and/or administrative action due to online misconduct? (Malicious Code) Which of the following is true of Internet hoaxes? Teams. -Its classification level may rise when aggregated. What is the response to an incident such as opening an uncontrolled DVD on a computer in a SCIF. What are the requirements to be granted access to sensitive compartmented information (SCI)? Which of the following is an example of a strong password? What can be used to track Marias web browsing habits? Note any identifying information and the websites URL. (Spillage) After reading an online story about a new security project being developed on the military installation where you work, your neighbor asks you to comment about the article. d. giving a spanking or a scolding. **Insider Threat A colleague vacations at the beach every year, is married and a father of four, his work quality is sometimes poor, and he is pleasant to work with. Of the following, which is NOT a problem or concern of an Internet hoax? PII, PHI, and financial information is classified as what type of information? Software that installs itself without the users knowledge. What is the best choice to describe what has occurred? What Is True About Unclassified Information (2) War planning documents which contain worldwide -- (a) Planning data and assumptions, (b) Wartime planning factors for the use of nuclear weapons, (c) Intelligence estimates of enemy capabilities, (d) Force composition and development, and Enable automatic screen locking after a period of inactivity. Your cousin posted a link to an article with an incendiary headline on social media. What information most likely presents a security risk on your personal social networking profile? **Social Networking Which piece if information is safest to include on your social media profile? (Sensitive Compartmented Information) What portable electronic devices (PEDs) are allow in a Secure Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF)? UNCLASSIFIED - CLASSIFICATION MARKINGS FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY Marking in the Electronic Environment Short Student Guide Center for Development of Security Excellence Page 4 UNCLASSIFIED - CLASSIFICATION MARKINGS FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY IM and Chat Instant messages and chats are brief, text-based message exchanges and conversations. Let us have a look at your work and suggest how to improve it! Which is a way to protect against phishing attacks? Is it okay to run it? Which of these is true of unclassified data? Question 1: The business impact analysis (BIA) identifies the resources for which a business continuity plan (BCP) is necessary. *Sensitive Information Under which circumstances is it permitted to share an unclassified draft document with a non-DoD professional discussion group? *Spillage What should you do if a reporter asks you about potentially classified information on the web? (Malicious Code) Which are examples of portable electronic devices (PEDs)? Delete email from senders you do not know. *Malicious Code What are some examples of malicious code? The attributes of identified ground seeds are modified to ground points. Look for a digital signature on the email. Media containing Privacy Act information, PII, and PHI is not required to be labeled. Antihistamines are used to treat the symptoms, such as sneezing, that are due to inflammation caused by irritants in the airways. Store your Common Access Card (CAC) or Personal Identity Verification (PIV) card in a shielded sleeve ~Write your password down on a device that only you access (e.g., your smartphone) Change your password at least every 3 months Enable two-factor authentication whenever available, even for personal accounts. Only persons with appropriate clearance, a non-disclosure agreement, and need-to-know can access classified data. How should you respond? **Removable Media in a SCIF What action should you take when using removable media in a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF)? When operationally necessary, owned by your organization, and approved by the appropriate authority. Secure it to the same level as Government-issued systems. Ive tried all the answers and it still tells me off. There are many travel tips for mobile computing. Using webmail may bypass built in security features. What function do Insider Threat Programs aim to fulfill? **Classified Data How should you protect a printed classified document when it is not in use? The Following Is True About Unclassified Data - faqcourse.com What would you do if you receive a game application request on your government computer that includes permission to access your friends, profile information, cookies, and sites visited? (Travel) Which of the following is a concern when using your Government-issued laptop in public? Validate all friend requests through another source before confirming them. Of the following, which is NOT a security awareness tip? Q&A for work. The following table lists the number of drivers in the United States, the number of fatal accidents, and the number of total accidents in each age group in 2002. Store classified data in a locked desk drawer when not in use Maybe **Social Networking As someone who works with classified information, what should you do if you are contacted by a foreign national seeking information on a research project? Be aware of classification markings and all handling caveats. To transmit large payments through Fedwire __________, To regulate and supervise the stock market to provide stability and security to individual investors. Thiswill enabletimely and consistent informationsharing andincreasetransparency throughout the Federal government and with non-Federal stakeholders. Classified information that should be unclassified and is downgraded. Coworker making consistent statements indicative of hostility or anger toward the United States in its policies. Which of the following best describes a way to safely transmit Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)? The physical security of the device. (social networking) Which of the following is a security best practice when using social networking sites? A coworker uses a personal electronic device in a secure area where their use is prohibited. Being cognizant of classification markings and labeling practices are good strategies to avoid inadvertent spillage. You can email your employees information to yourself so you can work on it this weekend and go home now. **Physical Security Within a secure area, you see an individual who you do not know and is not wearing a visible badge. Unclassified information is a threat to national security. For example, when you buy propane for your barbecue, your tank is placed on a scale while it is filled under high pressure (Figure 7). Always check to make sure you are using the correct network for the level of data. Added 8/5/2020 8:06:16 PM. A program that segregates various type of classified information into distinct compartments for added protection and dissemination for distribution control. **Social Engineering Which may be a security issue with compressed Uniform Resource Locators (URLs)? Use online sites to confirm or expose potential hoaxes, Follow instructions given only by verified personnel, Investigate the links actual destination using the preview feature, Determine if the software or service is authorized. You must have your organization's permission to telework c. You may use unauthorized software as long as your computer's antivirus software is up to date. Neither confirm or deny the information is classified. You should only accept cookies from reputable, trusted websites. Not correct. PDF Unauthorized Disclosure of Classified Information and Controlled - CDSE Any time you participate in or condone misconduct, whether offline or online. correct. *Sensitive Compartmented Information When faxing Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI), what actions should you take? CUI is government created or owned information that requires safeguarding or dissemination controls consistent with applicable laws, regulations and government wide policies. Decline to let the person in and redirect her to security. CUI must be handled using safeguarding or dissemination controls. *Controlled Unclassified Information Which of the following is NOT a correct way to protect CUI? Which of the following should be reported as a potential security incident (in accordance with your Agencys insider threat policy)? What should you do if someone asks to use your government issued mobile device (phone/laptop..etc)? PDF IFS0026 Student Guide - CDSE b. taking away a toy or treat A coworker removes sensitive information without authorization. Ask them to verify their name and office number. Which designation includes Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI)? I may decide not to consent to these terms, but, if I do not consent to all of these terms, then I agree not to proceed with creating an account or moving forward with filling out the application, and I understand that I will not be . **Mobile Devices What can help to protect the data on your personal mobile device? When is it appropriate to have your security badge visible? Not correct. *Social Networking CUI includes, but is not limited to Controlled Technical Information (CTI), Personally Identifiable Information (PII), Protected Health Information (PHI), financial information, personal or payroll information, proprietary data and operational information. Which of the following is not a best practice to preserve the authenticity of your identity? Malicious code can mask itself as a harmless e-mail attachment, downloadable file, or website. Malicious code can include viruses, worms, and macros. Of the following, which is NOT an intelligence community mandate for passwords? Do not access website links, buttons, or graphics in e-mail.