Halsey and the New Jersey led the fast carriers in airstrikes all over the Philippines, destroying hundreds of aircraft and dozens of warships. To supplement her strong armor and the anti-air protection provided by her twelve remaining 5-inch guns, the New Jersey was equipped with a final level of defense against anti-ship missiles four Phalanx Close-In Weapons Systems. On June 6, 1944, the New Jersey, Iowa, and the 642 smaller ships of Admiral Spruances Fifth Fleet sailed from Majuro for the Marianas. USS New Mexico (BB-40) was a battleship in service with the United States Navy from 1918 to 1946. In 1967, surface-to-surface missiles had sunk a warship for the first time when the Egyptians fired Soviet Styx missiles at an Israeli destroyer. Many of these battleships served in World War I and provided shore bombardment in World War II. She was the second of the Iowa class to be commissioned by the U.S. Navy. On August 24, 1944, USS New Jersey left Pearl Harbor carrying Admiral Halsey and his staff. Design work for the Iowa class was premised on the recent South Dakota class and the calculations that a ship 108 wide and 860 long at the waterline would make the fastest possible hull form that could fit through the 110-wide Panama Canal. Meanwhile, in the fall U.N. forces had recaptured Seoul and surged towards North Koreas border with China. With barometers setting record lows, Halsey postponed refueling and ordered the fleet to hold a new course, which inadvertently prolonged its ordeal in the typhoon and prevented skippers from maneuvering independently. Marshall Island Operations, 6. USS New Jersey (BB-62) was initially painted in dark single-color Camouflage Measure 21 and remained in this scheme for about two years. A flight of aircraft is a momentary and vulnerable show of force; post-war ships have insufficient armor to operate close to land; but a battleship anchored off a hotspot sends a clear message. She was launched on the first anniversary of Pearl Harbor, and went on to steam more miles, fight in more battles, and fire more shells than any other battleship in history. She fired the last salvo of the war at Wonson when the armistice was signed on July 27, with a New Jersey delegation present. To build the New Jersey required expenditures of approximately $100 million dollars ($1.8 billion in 2020 dollars) and 32,800,000 manhours. She was towed to Bremerton, where she served as a part of the Pacific Reserve Fleet. Chevalier. Consider doing this if your retired. Her original fuel oil capacity of over 7,250 tons (over 2,175,000 gallons) gave her an endurance range of over 15,000 nautical miles when cruising at 15 knots, allowing her to operate without resupply for a month and to refuel smaller ships. Volunteers swarmed over the ship in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard where she was built. These dual-purpose guns could hit stationary targets up to 9 miles away, and aircraft at closer ranges. She was the lead ship of a class of three battleships, and the first ship to be named for the state of New Mexico.Her keel was laid down on 14 October 1915 at the New York Navy Yard, from which she was launched on 23 April 1917 and commissioned on 20 May 1918. The Battle for Leyte Gulf, The Incredible Story of World War IIs Largest Naval Battle, by C. Vann Woodward, @ 2007, 2013, 2017 Skyhorse Publishing, Inc., Published by Skyhorse Publishing, Inc, New York, NY. Unfortunately, this took Third Fleet right in the path of Typhoon Cobra. On July 19, 1940, Congress passed the Two-Ocean Navy Act, authorizing the construction of three more Iowa-class battleships. At 0215, USS TRIGGER attacks the convoy again, fires three torpedoes and all hit and sink DELAGOA MARU near Tanegashima. While her main battery remained unchanged, lighter weapons were frequently added and subtracted. Though he never interfered with commanders on the spot, the worried Nimitz eventually told his staff to send a message to Halsey on the New Jersey asking, Where is Task Force Thirty-Four? Hearing Nimitzs emphasis, his staff repeated the Where is. An encoding officer added nonsense phrases and double consonants at either end to confuse any Japanese efforts to decode the message. Tickets are still available for the @battleshipnj 's Evening Engine Room Guided Tour, Friday, Descend to Broadway and walk inside fire and boiler rooms of our nation's largest battleship. Equipment was coated with preservative grease like cosmoline, and non-moving parts were preserved under layers of paint. The New Jersey returned to Ulithi on March 5, but even that remote atoll was the target of a night kamikaze attack on March 12. Unable to prevent the New Jerseys battle group from patrolling these international waters off Siberia, the Soviet Union shadowed her with a cruiser and frigates, and buzzed her with patrol aircraft, bombers, and helicopters. At 0707, Admiral Kinkaid sent Admiral Halsey on USS New Jersey an uncoded radio message: ENEMY B[ATTLESHIP]S AND CRUISER REPORTED FIRING ON Taffy 3. She also got two Mark 48 shore bombardment computers and a target-designation system. With an eye to the worsening situation in Europe, the United States authorized expansion to a "two ocean Navy" in July 1940, which led to rapid and massive increases in numbers of ships and personnel. They launched cruise missiles and provided gunfire support during Operation Desert Storm, which began on January 15, 1991, and liberated Kuwait by February 28. Go Nasty boys (softball team). merced toyota In 2004, USS New Jersey was added to the National Register of Historic Places and the New Jersey Register of Historic Places. The New Jersey headed back to her homeport of Norfolk via Long Beach and the Panama Canal. The result should have been the slaughter of the slow escort carriers and their tiny escorts. During the 1950s, a version of the W19 nuclear artillery shell was developed specifically for the 16-inch guns, making them the worlds largest nuclear artillery, and making the Iowa-class battleships the only US Navy ships ever to have nuclear projectiles designed for them. The New Jerseys secondary battery from 1943 through 1982 consisted of twenty 5-inch/38-caliber Mark XII guns with rifled barrels. USS Chevalier (DD-451), Fletcher-class destroyer home page Japan committed most of its Combined Fleet, including five fleet carriers, four light carriers, five battleships, eleven heavy cruisers, two light cruisers, twenty-eight destroyers, 473 carrier planes, and about 300 land-based aircraft. In the early part of 1951, U.N. forces again had liberated Seoul and pushed back above the 38th Parallel. Soon after, the New Jersey received the Pioneer Remotely Piloted Vehicle. Records of Naval Operating Forces: Logbook of the USS Missouri (Record As early as the 1970s, the Battleship New Jersey Historical Museum Society and other organizations had been formed to lobby the Navy to return the historic New Jersey to the State for which she was named. Some of her single barreled 20mm anti-aircraft guns were replaced by twin barreled 20mm mounts. In reality, USS New Jersey became the leader of the first battleship battle group in January 1986. USS NEW JERSEY (BB-62) Crew Roster. Her helicopters worked to rescue downed aviators. The four Iowa-class were the only battleships fast enough to keep up with the fast carriers in World War II. Through the use of shore artillery fire, Captain Mustafa Erturul Aker sank the Paris II in 1917 with a short, 25-minute barrage off the shore of Kemer, then rescued the majority of the ship's crew and treated them with hospitality. On April 13, 1944, USS New Jersey and Admiral Spruances Central Pacific Force now renamed the Fifth Fleet steamed 2,000 miles west to support the amphibious offensive by General Douglas MacArthur and the Seventh Fleet against the Japanese in New Guinea. USS New Jersey has an overall length of 887 feet, 7 inches, with a waterline length of 860 feet. The New Jersey was the only American warship to fire in anger in four wars. Her armored deck below that is 5 inches armor on 1.25 inches STS. For information about joining, or getting membership information, contact them at: Battleship New Jersey Historical Museum Society P.O. The work to recommission the New Jersey was performed in the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard where she had been built. USS New Jersey is also the museum battleship most open to the public. On October 20, 1944, over 160,000 Army troops landed on Leyte, a large island in the center of the Philippines. This was the first time an American battleship had operated in the Soviet Unions backyard. Spruance was an admirals admiral, Halsey a sailors admiral. Just as the majestic power of the New Jersey inspired Spruance to take the risk of personally commanding a surface action, Halseys desire to lead the speedy and powerful New Jersey into battle led him to his most controversial decisions. At her launch 29 October, she was sponsored by Mrs. Marguerite Chevalier, wife of LCdr. That morning and afternoon, Halseys carriers, guarded by the New Jersey, launched repeated airstrikes against Kuritas force in the Sibuyan Sea, sinking the worlds heaviest battleship Musashi with 19 torpedoes and 17 bombs, and damaging several other ships. The anti-ship Tomahawk had a range of 240 miles or more and used active-radar homing to hit ships far beyond the horizon. Vietnam, An Epic Tragedy, 1945-1975, by Max Hastings, @ 2018 Max Hastings, Published by HarperCollins, New York, NY. The New Jerseys armament evolved continuously over her career. It demonstrated to the Soviets the renewed power of the Navy in the Pacific, highlighted by a simultaneous live fire demonstration by the New Jersey and Missouri. Sent at 0944 on October 25, the radiogram read: TURKEY TROTS TO WATER GG WHERE IS RPT WHERE IS TASK FORCE THIRTY-FOUR RR THE WORLD WONDERS. The designs huge size, sleek lines, teak decks, and massive armament made the ships lovely, fast, and deadly, as indicated by the New Jerseys nicknames, Black Dragon and Big J.. Today in Naval History - Naval / Maritime Events in History 11th of April please use the following link and you will find the details and all events of this day in the following you will find some of the events. Reagan opened by saying: I find myself developing a great respect for the leading lady in these ceremonies. This database contains U.S. Navy muster rolls and associated reports of changes for U.S. Navy enlisted personnel who served on U.S. Navy ships or in other naval activities between 31 January 1938 and 31 December 1949. The modernization required to bring USS New Jersey in line with the technology of the 1980s was more expensive and extensive than her two prior recommissionings. Commissioned in May 1943, she spent the rest of that year in the western Atlantic and Caribbean area. To counter the Soviet battlecruisers and to quickly build up the size and power of the Navy, Reagans Secretary of the Navy, John Lehman, convinced Congress to reactivate the Iowa-class battleships. 9 Jun 1945 : USS Wisconsin was designated a training ship for a cruise to Britain, France, and Cuba. The New Jersey sustained only negligible damage and continued escorting the carriers. decom crew. Following overhaul, she again became Fifth Fleet flagship during the final days of World War II and remained in the Far East until early 1946. DANFS - Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Permitting Policy and Resource Management, The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks: 20 Years Later, "Ex Scientia Tridens": The U.S. Band photo sent by Dave Brown. Trigger Submarine 1941-1945 - Wreck Wrak Epave Wrack Pecio At 1710, Halsey sent a clarifying message that IF THE ENEMY SORTIES [through the strait], TF 34 WILL BE FORMED WHEN DIRECTED BY ME. Unfortunately, Halsey sent this message only through the New Jerseys short-range Talk-Between-Ships (TBS) voice radio, so Nimitz and Kinkaid were unaware that Task Force 34 had not yet been formed to guard the strait. Then by using the crew list and the list of casualties, the names of the survivors of a World War II ship or vessel can be created. Marines said it greatly increased their morale knowing that the Big J was out there and would help defend them. In 1935 and 2020, American night scouting planes spotted and reported Kuritas movement into the strait to Admiral Halsey on the New Jersey. Those decisions remain controversial and debated to this day, making the New Jersey center stage for some of the most dramatic and historic scenes in the Pacific War. Navy Admits To 70-Year Crew List Error In USS Indianapolis Disaster - TPR Admiral Nimitz, General MacArthur, and the Joint Chiefs of Staff accepted his recommendation. As the Navys historian Morison stated, What a brawl that would have been ! If Bulls Run had resulted in only the New Jersey and Iowa dueling the four Japanese battleships, it might have been a close call. She twice attacked Truk, Japans Gibraltar of the Pacific, and with Iowa sank fleeing Japanese warships the only surface combat by the Iowa-class ships. Organization for Veterans is The USS New Jersey BB-62 Veterans, Inc. When the first American ship entered Leyte Gulf, Japan triggered its new decisive battle plan called Sho Ichi Go, meaning Victory One Operation. This complicated plan sought to use Admiral Ozawas carriers, which had only a few planes and trained pilots, as bait to lure Halsey and the Third Fleet away from Leyte Gulf while Japans still powerful surface fleet launched a two-pronged pincer attack Admiral Takeo Kurita through San Bernardino Strait and Admiral Shji Nishimura through Surigao Strait into Leyte Gulf to destroy the American amphibious ships there. Marianas Operations, 4. Just as Admiral Sprague expected his ships to be annihilated, Kurita ordered his ships north to reorganize at 0911. After exercises in the Caribbean, USS New Jersey returned to Norfolk and helped the first supercarrier, USS Forrestal, in her initial workup. Or click below to visit their website: Her original barrels were relined and went on to be preserved at locations around the country. In late May 1951, U.N. forces counterattacked, driving the Communist forces back above the 38th Parallel. I point out that the Thanh Hoa bridge was only 12 miles inland, well within the range of the 16-inch guns on the Iowa-class battleships. Moreover, the 16-inch guns would allow the New Jersey to support the troops while out of range of shore batteries that were damaging cruisers firing 8-inch guns. Okinawa Operations. As the Fifth Fleets fast carrier task force had seven fleet carriers, eight light carriers, and 956 carrier aircraft, the resulting Battle of the Philippine Sea was the largest carrier battle in history. 1989 signaled the victorious conclusion of the Cold War. Shortly after the New Jersey returned to Norfolk on October 15, the Cold War heated up, with Soviet tanks suppressing a revolt in Hungary. The New Jersey passed through the Panama Canal into the Pacific for the first time in 15 years. Xxx. She steamed to Pearl Harbor, the Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. The Two-Ocean War, A Short History of the United States Navy in the Second World War, by Samuel Eliot Morison, @ 1963 Samuel Eliot Morison, Published by Little, Brown and Company, Boston, MA. Before the battle, American submarines spotted multiple Japanese task forces headed across the Philippine Sea separating the Philippines and Marianas Islands. Millington, TN 38055-3120. Nimitz found the errors were committed under the stress of war operations and resulted from a commendable desire to meet military commitments, and did not relieve the popular Halsey. The New Jersey remained at Bayonne until the summer of 1962 when she was towed to the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard in a consolidation of the Atlantic Reserve Fleet. The goal was to secure a base to escort and recover B-29 bombers attacking Japan from the Marianas. Unsinkable Sailors: The Fall and Rise of the Last Crew of USS Frank E. Evans: Th 9780979164231 | eBay While preparing for a second Vietnam tour, she was ordered inactivated and decommissioned in December 1969. 1 user currently logged in and 94 visitors active. 1969 1981 These cruises involved removing some of the ships own crew and bringing on board Naval Academy midshipmen to rotate through various departments of the ship and learn various jobs. USS New Jersey (BB 62) Crew List The table below contains the names of sailors who served aboard the USS New Jersey (BB 62). Visiting the @acboatshow this weekend? Over 33 million records are contained in this database. HullNumber.com takes your privacy seriously. Putnams Sons, New York, NY. For the Philadelphia-built ship, he chose the name New Jersey to honor his home state. She has been designated as the State Ship of New Jersey, and is a member of the international Historic Naval Ship Association. He was told Yes, yes, we have that information by a staff officer on the New Jersey. The New Jersey still has her full complement of Phalanxes. For that reason, she did not join the recently reactivated Missouri and Wisconsin when President George H.W. The battleline and carriers pursued the fleeing Japanese fleet, but it escaped. It rapidly revamped its Kongo-class battlecruisers as 30-knot fast battleships, and reputedly began designing new battleships to have unprecedented tonnage and armament. After the Communists broke off talks in August 1951, the New Jersey provided naval gunfire support for the U.N. troops ashore near Kansong. These rifled guns could fire a 2,700 lb. Thus, ended World War II and the largest naval war in history, in which the New Jersey had a leading role. With the fighting ended in Korea, the New Jersey visited Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Japan, where Wisconsin relieved her as Seventh Fleet flagship on October 14, 1953. Meanwhile, the State of New Jersey paid to tow USS New Jersey from Washington State to the Delaware River, and tow Iowa from Rhode Island to California to take her place, before the Panama Canal came under Panamanian control. The Navy accepted the Home Port Alliances application on January 20, 2000. Overview of the USS New Jersey (BB-62) Nation: United States Type: Battleship Shipyard: Philadelphia Naval Shipyard Laid Down: September 16, 1940 Launched: December 7, 1942 Within hours of USS New Jerseys imposing appearance off Beirut on September 25, a ceasefire was instituted. The Marianas were part of Japans defensive cordon, and Tokyo was only 1,200 miles away within bombing range if the Americans could capture Saipan and base the new B-29 Superfortress there. A group of Soviet surface ships, led by Kirov, heads for the East Coast but is confronted by a battle group led by the New Jersey. By the time Pearl Harbor was attacked on 4 December 1941, this had more than doubled to 325,095. On October 18, 1943, many months ahead of schedule, USS New Jersey was ready for duty. The New Jersey was the first U.S. battleship to enter the Persian Gulf, and she remained there until December 14, 1989. U.S., World War II Navy Muster Rolls, 1938-1949. This site is privately funded and maintained, it has no official sponsorships or They were the largest American battleships, and the longest and fastest of all battleships. https://www.bitchute.com/video/fCW0OsGVSVh1/, like to get some info on rm1 barch and rm1 caste if posible. Passenger and Crew Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1897-1957; (National Archives Microfilm Publication T715, 8892 rolls); Records of the Immigration and Naturalization Service; National Archives, Washington, D.C. After a refit, USS New Jersey was once again the flagship of a midshipmens summer cruise, this time to San Francisco, Tacoma, San Diego, and Hawaii, where her crew listened as man first walked on the moon. Finally, American scout planes spouted Ozawas lead ships at 1540 and his carriers at 1640. The result was the Iowa class, including the New Jersey. On July 31, she returned to Long Beach to ready for her second tour of duty to Vietnam. These frames and spacings along with the many other bulkheads provide the ship with approximately 1,100 individual compartments. Battleship USS New Jersey BB-62 Crew Information Page As part of Operation Magic Carpet, she carried nearly a thousand American troops home, sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge on February 10. It crippled the Japanese carrier force, which had only 35 aircraft remaining after the battle and lost many irreplaceable pilots. After the Korean War, the Navy again began decommissioning ships. USS New Jerseys two four-star fleet commanders were friends but a study in contrasts. As a member of the Decommissioning crew in 1991 I lost contact with a lot of good men from the crew. Admiral Arleigh Burke, a future CNO, also visited by highline to confer with Admiral Martin. Luzon Operations, 8. EN RU CN DE ES. She also conducted fleet exercises with the Seventh Fleet. She was responsible for. 1982 To counter the Soviet military and naval expansion, the New Jersey led her three sisters into the Missile Age, adding cruise missiles, anti-ship missiles, and anti-missile weapons to their massive 16-inch guns and numerous 5-inch guns, making them the most formidable surface warships ever put to sea by the Navy. Reactivating the Iowa-class ships would allow the Navy to create battleship battle groups to supplement the twelve carrier battle groups already in commission, enabling the Navy to meet its growing worldwide commitments. USS New Jersey returned to the Delaware on November 11, greeted by more than 25,000 people and by a tugboat that had helped at her launching in 1942. She was carrying 206 maintenance and supply men of the 248th Air Regiment. The next day, when she bombarded targets north of the DMZ, the Navy jet spotting for her was shot down, and she helped rescue the crew. 6 October 1944 ~ 26 January 1945: Captain Oswald S. Colclough, USN: 26 January 1945 ~ 15 June 1945: Captain Byron H. Hanlon, USN: 15 June 1945 ~ 1 . The New Jersey arrived on August 26, relieving a carrier battle group. When the contract was awarded in July 1939, Charles Edison, son of the famous New Jersey inventor Thomas Edison, was acting Secretary of the Navy. Army Chief of Staff Omar Bradley and Far East Commander Matthew Ridgeway came aboard to confer with Admiral Martin on October 1, 1951. Guests can visit officers wardrooms, admirals and captains cabins, radio rooms, the galley, and medical, barber, and other service areas. Please send any Comments or Questions regarding this site to the webmaster. Feeling as stunned as if I had been struck in the face, Halsey angrily crumpled the message and threw it and his cap on the deck of the New Jersey, stomping on them and furiously cursing. By September 1950, when the Missouri finally reached Korea and General Ned Almonds X Corps landed at Incheon, the Navy began to reactivate the New Jersey. President Ronald Reagan echoed that remark in 1982 when he personally recommissioned USS New Jersey the only battleship ever commissioned by a sitting president. She was then floated pier side where a huge crane could aid in the final stages of construction, including the installation of the three massive, armored gun turrets and much of the topside equipment. BB-62 was the second warship named for the State of New Jersey. The U.S. Navy was escorting American-flagged tankers and had been attacked with missiles and mines. She has a mean draught of 28 feet, 11 inches at a hull load of 45,000 tons, and a full load draught of 37 feet, 9 inches when at a full displacement of 57,540 tons. The main belt is one of five layers of armor that comprise the sides and torpedo defenses of the armored citadel. Halsey later related: I was sorry not to have the New Jersey again, but she was in overhaul.. After triumphantly circling Truk in USS New Jersey, Admiral Spruance ordered his ships to hoist their large Victory Flags, and a victory it was. On September 11, 1999, the New Jersey bade farewell to Bremerton. armor-piercing round, or a 1,900 lb. In her 1967 refit, the New Jersey received SPS-53 surface radar, on-line automatic encryption and decryption gear, and receivers and transmitters for infrared, HF, VHF, and UHF bands. In December 1985, she became the first battleship to fire the anti-ship version of the Tomahawk missile. Through emergency rudder and engine maneuvers, the New Jersey avoided cutting the destroyer in two but still sideswiped her in a shower of sparks. At 0100 on October 26, Nowaki was exploded by Task Force 34.5s cruisers and destroyers. Admiral Halseys Story, by William F. Halsey, Jr. and J. Bryan III, @ 1947 William F. Halsey, Jr., Published by Whittlesey House, New York, NY. Star-Studded War History Much work was needed to restore the ship after being in mothballs for over eight years, and to make her safe for visitors. Johnson, Richard S.How to Locate Anyone Who Is or Has Been in the Military: Armed Forces Locator Guide. At 0700, Admiral Sprague was shocked to spot the surface fleet of Admiral Kurita, who was surprised to see the Americans had left carriers to be bombarded by surface ships. USS New Jersey headed into the Yellow Sea and shelled Chinnampo on North Koreas west coast on May 25. The New Jerseys remaining single mount 20mm anti-aircraft guns had been removed and were replaced by eight more dual 20mm mounts by the time she sailed for Korea. Her 16- and 5-inch guns destroyed enemy bridges, tunnels, road and rail junctions, railroad yards, trains, bunkers, trenches, troops, mortar pits, artillery positions, shore batteries, supply dumps, ammo dumps, a dam, and an oil refinery. The New Jersey resumed escorting carriers but spent most of her time in the Sea of Japan bombarding the east coast of North Korea, destroying coastal batteries, communication facilities, train tracks, bridges, and tunnels, and other targets at Kojo, Chongjin, Hungnam, Songjin, and Wonson. The Japanese suffered almost 3,000 killed, the Americans barely 100. However, all battleships worldwide were made obsolete by Britains commissioning in 1906 of the all-big-gun, heavily armored, turbine-driven HMS Dreadnought, which had twice their firepower and could reach 21 knots.