Quiz 6 - Instructor's Responsibilities and Professionalism The mock-up may emphasize or highlight elements or components for learning and eliminate nonessential elements, Cut-aways, another type of model, are built in sections and can be taken apart to reveal the internal structure. Main Menu. Research into how people learn has been ongoing for almost one hundred years. The instructors assessment may be informal and recorded only for the instructors own use in planning the next lesson for the students, or it may be formal. Take The Exams. By being well prepared, an effective instructor presents and applies lesson material, and also periodically assesses how well the learner is learning. Telling a story or a joke that is not related in some way to the subject distracts from the lesson. In a typical lesson, an effective instructor normally uses a combination of methods. For instance, scale replicas are often very expensive. As the student progresses through higher levels of performance and understanding, the instructor should shift the training focus to decision-based training objectives. Because the exact words to express an idea are spontaneous, the lecture is more personalized than one that is read or spoken from memory, Since the instructor talks directly to the students, their reactions can be readily observed, and adjustments can be made based on their responses. a flight instructor demonstrates their coaching ability by Models are especially adaptable to small group discussions in which students are encouraged to ask questions. As mentioned in chapter 3, covering a subject in too much detail is as bad or worse than sketchy coverage. Efforts in this area pay great dividends in terms of quality of instruction. Many scenarios were coupled to the maneuver until the student not only had the requisite skills, but also related them to many conditions where they would be needed. The scenario may not have one right or one wrong answer, which reflects situations faced in the real world. Research has shown that learning is an active processthe more involved students are in the process, the better they learn. If the instructor sees puzzled expressions, denoting that the students do not understand the question, it should be rephrased in a slightly different form. Manage the daily maintenance efforts for 9 P-3C aircraft to meet short and long range flight tasking. Use of these questions and projects as part of the syllabus helps an instructor ensure that all subject areas for a particular class have been covered, There are many ways to incorporate design features in training materials in order to facilitate regulatory compliance, required endorsements, and recordkeeping. Establish a specific lesson objective with desired learning outcomes. For example, in developing a lesson on heading indicators, the instructor could begin with a discussion of the vacuumdriven heading indicator before proceeding to a description of the radio magnetic indicator (RMI), In some subjects, certain information or concepts are common to all who use the material. To be an effective instructor, it is important to determine which teaching methods best convey the information being taught, In the lecture method, the instructor delivers his knowledge via lectures to students who are more or less silent participants. To encourage enthusiasm and stimulate discussion, the instructor should create a relaxed, informal atmosphere. The pilot called "mayday" and during the forced landing the airplane collided with trees and the ground separating the right wing, half of the left wing, and coming to rest inverted. The airlines, as well as aeronautical programs at some colleges and universities, have used similar facilities for many years, Another type of computer-based technology, virtual reality (VR), creates a sensory experience that allows a participant to believe and barely distinguish a virtual experience from a real one. The instructor should avoid the temptation to use the aids as a crutch. In contrast, training media are generally described as any physical means that communicates an instructional message to students. For example, if the instructor realizes from puzzled expressions that a number of students fail to grasp an idea, that point can be further elaborated until the reactions of the students indicate they understand. An effective instructor understands what can be realistically achieved within the allotted time, makes the best use of the time available, allows enough time for what must be done, preserves contingency time to handle the unexpected, and minimizes stress by not planning too much for the allotted time, Management skills also come into play for the aviation instructor who is teaching a class of students. It is extremely expensive, and versions with a head-mounted display sometimes produce unfavorable side effects, For those engaged in aviation training, the challenge is staying abreast of technological changes that apply to training and adopting those that are the most useful and cost effective. Effective use of drill and practice revolves around knowing what skill is being developed. More information on enhanced training materials is presented in chapter 6, Traditional aids in this group include slides, filmstrips, and transparencies for overhead projection. It promotes learning through repetition because those things most often repeated are best remembered. While developing the lesson, the instructor also should strongly consider the use of examples and personal experiences related to the subject of the lesson, After completing the preliminary planning and writing of the lesson plan, the instructor should rehearse the lecture to build self-confidence. The goal might be a certificate of completion, graduation, or an academic degree. The desired learning outcomes should stem from the objective, Conduct adequate research to become familiar with the topic. It can be made immediately after the discussion of each learning outcome to bring ideas together and help in transition, showing how the ideas developed by the group relate to and support the idea discussed. If students wish to learn about a particular area, they do so by clicking the mouse on a particular portion of the screen. In studying jet propulsion, for example, the student might begin by considering the action involved in releasing air from a toy balloon and finish by taking part in a discussion of a complex gas turbine engine, Do not be afraid to omit "less important" information at first in order to simplify the learning process. However, use of standardized materials, including a syllabus, is recommended. With advanced tracking features, CAL also can be used to test the students achievement, compare the results with past performance, and indicate the students weak or strong areas, For most aviation training, the computer should be thought of as a valuable instructional aidand entrusting an entire aviation training program to a computer is not practical. The nature of the questions should be determined by the lesson objective and desired learning outcomes, Once the discussion is underway, the instructor should listen attentively to the ideas, experiences, and examples contributed by the students during the discussion. FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENTS Applicants for the Flight Instructor Rating shall demonstrate their knowledge by writing Transport Canada multiple choice examinations on the subjects contained in this guide. For these reasons, it is likely to hold the interest of the students, An instructor who is thoroughly prepared or who has made the presentation before can usually speak effectively without notes. Go back to and try again", Interactive CDs and DVDs solve one of the main problems of passive video in that it increases involvement of the student in the learning process. [Figure 4-19], A more advanced application of computer-based training may involve less instructor control. This is necessary to be certain a student is on track with the training syllabus. a flight instructor demonstrates their coaching ability by Computer-aided information is particularly useful for aviation maintenance activities. Learning is best achieved if students participate actively in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, Therefore, the use of the informal lecture is encouraged. It is important for the instructor to understand in advance which outcomes are positive and/or negative and give the student freedom to make both good and poor decisions without jeopardizing safety. The extemporaneous presentation reflects the instructors personal enthusiasm and is more flexible than other methods. The informal lecture includes active student participation. Regardless of the method of development or depth of coverage, the success of the teaching lecture depends upon the instructors ability to communicate effectively with the class, In other methods of teaching such as demonstrationperformance or guided discussion, the instructor receives direct reaction from the students, either verbally or by some form of body language. The group task may emphasize academic achievement, cognitive abilities, or physical skills, but the instructor must use clear and specific learning objectives to describe the knowledge and/or abilities the students are to acquire and then demonstrate on their own. (See Appendix F.) There are many definitions for PBL, but for the purposes of this handbook, it is defined as the type of learning environment in which lessons are structured in such a way as to confront students with problems encountered in real life that force them to reach real world solutions, PBL starts with a carefully constructed problem to which there is no single solution. Suspendisse ultrices hendrerit a vitae vel a sodales. Flight Instructor Techniques - CFI Notebook An aviation instructor needs to remember he or she is teaching a pilot or technician who should: Develop and exercise good judgment in making decisions, Adhere to prudent operating practices and personal operating parameters, and, Adhere to applicable laws and regulations. Since the student must remove the position light, install a power supply, and also install the tail strobe light, he or she needs to make several decisions that effect the final weight and balance of the aircraft. [Figure 4-8], In the teaching lecture, simple rather than complex words should be used whenever possible. It normally includes statements of objectives, descriptions of teaching aids, definitions of assessment criteria, and indications of desired outcome, A determination of objectives and standards is necessary before any important instruction can be presented. As little extraneous activity as possible should be included in the demonstration if students are to clearly understand the instructor is accurately performing the actions previously explained. A well-planned lesson means the instructor is also practicing time management skills and ensures the time allocated for the lesson is well used. In addition to its uses as a summary and transitional device, the interim summary may also be used to keep the group on the subject or to divert the discussion to another member, A guided discussion is closed by summarizing the material covered. Pictures, drawings, and photographs are especially effective because they provide common visual imagery for both instructors and students. Another friend is planning to meet them at the airport and drive everyone to the game and back, Mark has strong motivation to fly his friends to the game so he keys up College Airport AWOS which reports clear and unrestricted visibility. The 250 hours of flying required to take the exams must take place in an actual cockpit. An effective instructor uses a combination of teaching methods as well as instructional aids to achieve this goal. In most instructional situations, the instructors explanation and demonstration activities are alternated with student performance efforts. Although some schools and independent instructors may develop their own syllabus, in practice, many instructors use a commercially developed syllabus that already has been selected by a school for use in their aviation training program. In addition to the necessary steps, the instructor should describe the end result of these efforts. Phrases like "able to select from a list of " or "able to repeat the steps to " are better because they describe something that can be measured. Overlays can also be cut into various shapes and moved about in relation to the base transparency. First, the material presented can be erased, allowing the surface to be used again and again; and second, the boards serve as an excellent medium for joint student-instructor activity in the classroom. In recent years, video (VHS, compact disks (CDs), digital video disks (DVDs), or computer files), and computer slide shows incorporating text, graphics, video, and animations, have pushed aside traditional training aids. The instructor can tailor the presentation for the class and also include graphics at appropriate points. While this is the most widely used form of presentation and instructors should know how to develop and present a lecture, they also should understand the advantages and limitations of this method, Lectures are used for introduction of new subjects, summarizing ideas, showing relationships between theory and practice, and reemphasizing main points. For an instructor who tends to ramble, notes are a must because they help keep the lecture on track. carlton square inglewood hoa fees sakura font generator a flight instructor demonstrates their coaching ability by parenting a child with developmental delays On vous rappelle dans l'heure In the conclusion the instructor should tie together the various points or topics discussed, and show the relationships between the facts brought forth and the practical application of these facts. A syllabus is a summary or outline of a course of study that generally contains a description of each lesson, including objectives and completion standards. For example, a student pilot may enroll in a private pilot certificate course, and upon completion of all course requirements, be awarded a graduation certificate. Throughout the time the instructor prepares the students for their discussion, they should be made aware of the lesson objective(s). Instructional aids should also be reviewed to determine whether their use is feasible in the training environment and whether they are appropriate for the students. Discussion questions should be easy for students to understand, put forth decisively by the instructor, and followed by silence. Students become more involved in their own learning, and instructors may no longer occupy a center-stage position in a typical classroom setting. The chalk or marker board is a widely used tool for instructors. For example, basic map reading is a perishable skill that should be practiced often. With a briefing, the speaker presents a concise array of facts to the listeners who normally do not expect elaboration of supporting material. Another example is dead reckoning, which forces pilots to be aware of there surroundings at all times. The training record can be reviewed and the students training status easily assessed in case the student transfers to another school or instructor, Another example of enhanced, instructor-oriented material for pilot training is a maneuvers guide or handbook which includes the PTS as an integral part of the description of maneuvers and procedures. They must also hold a current ATP or commercial certificate and earn a score of more than 70% on an FAA-administered flight instructor demonstrated knowledge test. The rhetorical question is similar in nature, because it also spurs group thought. As such, they serve as guides or resource experts and circulate among students who are working individually or in small groups. If possible, the instructor should have another knowledgeable person, preferably another instructor, observe the practice sessions and act as a critic. Continental Flight 1943 was the only DC-9 to land gear up at KIAH in 1996. In the discussion, the instructor should be certain that the main points discussed build logically with the objective. Instructors should avoid questions that can be answered by short factual statements or yes or no responses and ask open-ended questions that are thought provoking and require more mental activity. In addition, they can be drawn on a chalk or marker board and can be duplicated. At the same time, it must be realized that a formal lecture is still to be preferred on some subjects and occasions, such as lectures introducing new subject matter, The instructor can achieve active student participation in the informal lecture through the use of questions. It will be even more significant in the future, Computer technology continues to advance in quantum leaps, challenging traditional ways of teaching. Learning assessment is another important skill of an effective instructor. The instructor acts as a facilitator to encourage discussion between students, In the guided discussion, learning is achieved through the skillful use of questions. Measured in number of people in the profession, teaching is one of the worlds largest professions. Someone who teaches is, of course, a teacher or, for the purposes of this handbook, an instructor. There are a number of professional development opportunities for aviation instructors, such as Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) seminars, industry conventions, professional organizations, and online classes. Before leaving this phase, the instructor should encourage students to ask questions about any step of the procedure that they do not understand, The instructor must show students the actions necessary to perform a skill. best dj pool for old school music. Often combined with traditional task and maneuver training within a given scenario, decision-based objectives facilitate a higher level of learning and application. The number of students in a class and the existing facilities are other considerations. Because improper pilot decisions cause a significant percentage of all accidents and the majority of fatal accidents in light single- and twin-engine aircraft, SBT challenges the student or transitioning pilot with a variety of flight scenarios with the goal of reducing accidents. Whenever possible, the various parts should be labeled or colored to clarify relationships, Production and equipment costs are limiting factors to consider in developing and using models, mock-ups, and cutaways. The instructor must provide opportunities for students to practice and, at the same time, make sure that this process is directed toward a learning objective, A successful instructor needs to be familiar with as many teaching methods as possible. First, it will familiarize flight instructors with the FITS program, including its history, objectives, methods, and future goals. Just as the technician uses some tools more than others, the instructor uses some methods more often than others. robot dreams by isaac asimov answers; skycity staff intranet. Material composed on a computer word processing and graphics program can also be printed onto transparencies, The equipment can be placed at the front of the room, allowing the instructor to maintain eye contact with students. The demonstration-performance method is divided into five phases: Explanations must be clear, pertinent to the objectives of the particular lesson to be presented, and based on the known experience and knowledge of the students. It should be noted that PTS and O&P standards are limited to the most critical job tasks. Well-designed programs allow students to feel as if they are in control of what they are learning and how fast they learn it. The most common types are the line graph and the bar graph. The PTS also has specific criteria or standards upon which to grade performance; however, the criteria may not always be specific enough for a particular lesson. Some of these include study guides, exercise books, course outlines, and syllabi. The revised performance-based objective may now read, "Using a sectional chart and a flight computer, plan a flight and fly from point A to point B in a Cessna 172. For example, voicerecognition technology, which lets computers accept spoken rather than keyed input, is highly effective for technical training, Miniature electro-optical devices allow computer-aided information to be projected electronically on sunglass-style eye wear which is connected to a lightweight, belt mounted computer. In addition, they also provide realistic details necessary for visual recognition of important subject material. They should provide an accurate visual image and make learning easier for the student, Another use for instructional aids is to clarify the relationships between material objects and concepts. Even airline simulator programs require tailoring and hands-on interaction with a human instructor. Decision-based learning objectives and the use of flight training scenarios do not preclude traditional maneuver-based training. This review and wrap-up of ideas reinforces student learning and improves the retention of what has been learned. Teaching methods or training delivery methods are discussed, as well as the use of instructional aids, In education, a course of training is a complete series of studies leading to attainment of a specific goal. Networking with and observing other instructors to learn new strategies is also helpful. It can be used during classroom periods and preflight and postflight briefings. In this case, the instructor may have little control over their use. These slide shows can be only bulleted information or incorporate animation and video clips. Instructors will find the following suggestions helpful in planning a discussion lesson. They learn by applying what they have been told and shown. He or she maintains currency in the subject matter being taught, as well as how to teach it by reading professional journals and other aviation publications, many of which can be viewed or purchased via the Internet, another source of valuable aviation information for professional instructors, As students advance, consider having them teach a topic to the instructor, to demonstrate their understanding and force them to dig deep into the details. By listening to their discussion and questions, he can pinpoint problem areas and explain them more fully during the review of the solved problem, People skills also include the ability to interact respectfully with students, pick up when students are not following along, motivate students to learn, and adapt to the needs of the student when necessary.